
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Episode #7

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What's in the box?

Guns For Greatness
I don't think that the crowd turning up to a Beyonce concert would necessarily be a big gun toting group, and the small percentage that do have guns aren't crazy killers.  I think that it is ineffective, but I'll give them props for trying. More guns does not equal more safety. Look at accidental gun deaths. How many children shoot themselves or their friends with their parents guns? We can't erroneously believe that the definition of "responsible gun owner" means someone who hasn't murdered anyone.  The kids accidentally shooting themselves are dying because their "responsible" gun owning parents leave their weapons out.

Guns should be registered to their owner who must pass background checks and safety courses. The 2nd amendment should have limitations just like the first amendment.  You have the right to free speech to an extent. The are things by law you cannot say. Felons who have broken the law should not be given unrestricted access to guns. By breaking the law they forfeit their right to bear arms.  I'ma gonna stop.

I don't care!

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