
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


A lot of people are really bent out of shape about the ruling of a recent court case in which a woman accused of murdering her child was found not guilty. I've got two points that I want to address: the role of the media, and the effectiveness of our court system.

1) The role of the media.
The media with all it's wiles and attention grabbing has to dip it's hand in the cookie jar at every opportunity. And what keeps watchers coming back more than the story of a cold hearted killer? Look at the Amanda Knox case in Italy. Because of the role of the news and media, the jury was swayed by non-existent evidence and slander from the media, and a gentle push from the the prosecution. There was a severe lack of substantial evidence to pin the crime on any one person or various people. The news pulled out all the stops on Casey Anthony exposing all the dirt there is on her to paint her as a killer, despite the severe lack of evidence presented in the court room. Which leads me to my next point.

2) Effectiveness of our justice system.
Unlike Amanda Knox, the jury was not seduced by the enticements of the media. The jury could not convict Casey Anthony because they were not shown evidence "beyond a reasonable doubt". There was plenty of doubt. And they couldn't live with themselves if they convicted someone for life (or death) for something they could not say they knew was true. She may have done it. She may have not. But according to the evidence, there wasn't enough to tell.

So. Go ahead and blow up, get upset, rant and rave, but the truth is our system works. She was given a fair trial from our court system, and unjustly harassed by the media. Thank goodness for the good people of America who saw the facts and lack thereof for what they were, and did not get bullied into a decision by networks.

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