This is my response to that statement. First, what is socialism? Webster says :
1. Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2. a: system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3. a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
She was, of course, referring to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) as socialism. It's a very complicated law, and there isn't really much else I can do but oversimplify it by boiling it down to it's essence. The law says everyone must have insurance. You may keep your private insurance if you currently have it, but if you don't have it, you are now required by law to have it. If you didn't have it because of pre-existing conditions that barred you from obtaining it, pre-existing conditions are discriminatory and against the law. If you don't want private insurance, you may sign up for what I'm sure will be a really sh***y plan from the government. If you cannot afford insurance, the premiums will be adjusted so that you can afford it. If you are so dirt poor that paying for insurance is above your cost of living, you will qualify for medicaid.
Sure, in theory, saying that everyone must have health insurance is a socialistic philosophy. Everyone is equal in that sense. But if you look at the execution of the law it does not meet the definition at all.
1. The government does not own the means of production. Doctors and nurses are not government employees. The government is not the sole provider of insurance; as evidenced by multiple insurance agencies that exist and will continue to exist after the plan is fully implemented.
2. a: You will still own your own home, car, and even your private insurance. You can even change to another private insurance if you want.
b. The government is now saying you have to have insurance. If you take out a loan on a car, the bank requires you to have insurance for the car. The government is now saying if you are alive, you need to have insurance. It's in your best interest to have it. If you are poor or middle class and get sick or are in an accident, you may never have the money you need for healthcare costs in your lifetime. 60% of all bankruptcies are healthcare related, Healthcare costs are outrageously high and growing every year. Why you would not want insurance is something I will not understand. But according to definition 2 b., Obamacare does not equal socialism.
3. Do you really believe we are in a transition into communism? Do you see the redistribution of wealth? Oh, you might say, there are going to be higher taxes on the rich to pay for government programs for the poor! That's not how it works. Redistribution of wealth would be that at the end of the day, the money you've made that exceeds the standard of living dictated by government, would be taken from you and given to people who did not make enough to meet the standard of living. And by the way, your employer is the government.
From what I've seen and heard, no one really understands what the word "socialism" means. They know that it's a dirty word, so they use it to describe what they don't understand. I don't understand why most Republicans don't want poor and sick people to get the healthcare they need. I guess that makes me socialist.

Moving on to my last topic, this is something else that's been bothering me lately. Look up at the graphic I posted above of the U.S. of A by electoral votes. I saw a lot of complaining about how if most of the US is red, how did Obama get elected? Well, for those of you who have never left your red state, let me tell you. It's because states are allocated electoral votes based on population. The US census on July 1, 2011, estimated that there was a population of 568,158 people living in Wyoming. The same census reported the population of New York (state) at 19,465,197. New York is much more densely populated, though it is significantly smaller than Wyoming. For those of you who understand math, New York has more people than Wyoming. Wouldn't it make sense that New York counts more than Wyoming in elections because there are more people? It's really pretty easy. Don't strain your brain thinking about it.
The news has been reporting a lot of redistricting as well to suppress votes and swing elections. Guess what, Obama also won the popular vote, so no matter how you divide it, you'll at least know that the populace didn't choose your candidate. Get over yourselves.
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