You saw the freedom kids. You saw Trump throw out a peaceful Muslim in a hijab at a rally. You saw him throw out a black man at a rally. You heard him say he wants a ban on Muslims entering country. You heard him say Mexicans bring drugs and crime, are rapists, and there may be some good Mexicans, but he's not sure. You've heard him time and again insult anyone who disagrees with him. You've seen him reduce the value of women to their appearance. You've seen him lie unabashedly and criticize anyone who fact checks him, proving the loudest voice is the only voice heard. You've seen him throw journalists out of speeches and Q&A's that challenge his competency or integrity. You've seen his supporters beat up minorities and shout "go back to your country" at US citizens. You saw his proposed tax plan that helps him and his elite rich friends, adds billions to the deficit, and protects the interests of big business. You've seen thousands of misinformed, angry jingoistic xenophobics flock to his chest-pounding war cry; no agenda, no solutions, only a desire for power to increase his own wealth and promote his tunnel vision for America.
What you've seen is 21st century fascism. What you've seen is a modern-day Stalin. What you've seen is a boy in a man's body lacing up Hitler's boots and walking around in them to the cheers of his rabid supporters who are willing to attack and hurt other people in his name.
The saddest part, is that despite the behaviors he has exhibited that are textbook definition of fascism, you cannot convince his supporters of the dangerous ideology they are subscribing to. They cannot be persuaded. Many who claim to be Christians are too blinded by their hatred of their neighbor to care. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. History is recycling before our eyes.
Trump's campaign should have imploded by now, but has only grown stronger. Don't let this man put his twitchy finger on the nuclear button.
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