I will more than likely discontinuing this blog. I haven't kept up on it, it's meandered and meant different things to me at different times. The message has not been clear and has changed over time. At times it was a creative outlet, at others a political ranting space. For a brief time I tried my hand at podcasting, and it was the main site for my podcast. Grad school, work, and family obligations took priority and that endeavor unfortunately fizzled out. I enjoyed it while it lasted. I wish I could continue. The research required, the recording and editing, re-editing, and publishing took a lot more time than I guess I thought that it would. I never made any money from doing it, it was simply recreational and therapeutic for me.
This blog has gotten around 3000 page views, and that's 2900 more page views than I would have ever thought it would get. I'm guessing most of those were stumbled upon by chance, read some of my angsty words and moved on. If anyone followed this blog and enjoyed it, no one would be more surprised than me. I guess it seems fitting to retire this blog on my 100th post. A nice milestone sounding ending.
I mostly did this blog for myself. If you enjoyed it, wow, thank you. I don't know what will happen with this. I may just remain as is, sitting in a dark corner gathering electronic dust on the web forever. I may revisit and revamp at some point, I don't know. I'm proud of most of the stuff on here, so it would be a shame to dump it.
I've decided to narrow my concentration and start a new blog. I will probably borrow from the writings I've written here and add to them. It just seems to me that I attempted too many different things with this one, and that only someone who knows me personally could appreciate the crazy mess that I'm leaving behind.
Again, to anyone who followed this blog or liked it, thank you. I never met you, probably never will, but thank you. For anyone else stumbling on this post, thanks for the 3 seconds you spent on my page skimming the title and not reading this heart-felt thank you at the bottom. You know who you are. Or do you? Nope.
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