
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cain He Do It?

In the article The Herman Cain Crack-Up in the Huffington Post last week, the author asks the question:  should a man who paid a woman $35,000 not to talk about something be a president? Let's not be naive, many a president has done that.  But it appears she's not the only one who wants to talk about it.  What started as something that could have been just mud-slinging and political bathwater now appears to be somewhat of an issue.  But let's not let this mask the fact that not everyone running has a clean track record.

Newt Gingrich is himself a snake.  Here's a man who in his political career has had 84 ethics violations filed against him, and the only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations ( Yang, John E. (January 22, 1997). "House Reprimands, Penalizes Speaker". Washington Post.).  In his personal life, he was 19 when he married his 26 year old High School Geometry teacher, who he left after 18 years of marriage to be with a woman with whom he'd been having an affair.  His wife had been in the hospital undergoing surgery when he came and said he wanted a divorce.  After marrying his mistress, he cheated on her and ten years after the end of his first marriage he was divorced again.  He married his second mistress who is 26 years younger than he is.  Ironically, while he himself was cheating on his second wife, he was the head of the Republican investigation of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.

Now, I understand that no one is perfect, and that even Big Bird makes mistakes.  But let's look at what some of those mistakes are, and judge for ourselves if the moral backbone of the candidate should represent America or not.  Will someone who's personal life is a mess give our country full attention in providing jobs?  I'm not saying we start casting stones here, but perhaps look beyond shiny proposals and platforms and look at the personal life of the candidates as well.  There will be mistakes like anyone else, but some of these mistakes are important measures of character.  A man who even cheats on his mistress is one who I would seriously question.  And if these three allegations of harassment are true, I would question that as well.  It's not who debates the best that should be president, it's who is fit to run the country that deserves to be president.  Let's keep that in mind.  So Cain he do it?  I'm guessing in a matter of days we'll know for sure.  

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