Had Newt just laughed it off and said, "of course that's false, it's two days before the South Carolina Primary, and she hates me", then they could just move on. Instead, he get's red in the face and says "how dare you ask me that question". True, that was a stupid question to ask, I'll give him that. But how would Newt react, if President, and an Iranian terrorist sends him a video flipping him the bird and pretending to poop on a picture of him? Will he remain cool? I doubt it.
Second, I question Romney. Just answer the questions. Are you saying a net job creation of 100,000 or just saying Bain created 100,000, but through bankruptcy and buy-outs, lost 300,000 jobs? And why do you keep sweating and stumbling over your words when talking about your tax information? Everyone else is just throwing it out there. You afraid that everyone will see you are not a small business and average Joe type guy? Everyone already knows you're not. And you're not human enough for anyone to say, "hey, he's the kind of guy I can see having a diet caffeine-free pepsi with. Also the kind of guy I can end my sentences with prepositions and not be judged for it." No one would willingly subject his or herself to that beverage anyway, but you get the idea.
Romney spends more time bashing Obama, and hardly any time talking about stuff he'll do. It's one thing to say, you're wrong, and another to say, it would be better if... Otherwise, it's like you're the kid on the playground who sits on the sidelines of the basketball court mocking the players every time they make a mistake, and then getting called into the game and standing mid-court picking your nose.
Off my soap box. Recap time.
Newt remains as smug and self-assured as a house trained kitten sitting in a beam of light by the window, smiling because the owners don't know that he urinated on their pillows.
Santorum continues his signature move of avoiding eye contact with anyone while stumbling over his own words, and introduces a new side of him that speaks in third person.
Wait, Ron Paul was an OBGYN?!? Turns out he is creepier than I thought.
Paul continues his ode to small government, and dreams of shrinking it, hanging it on a line of hemp, and wearing it around his neck--accessory to his tribal headdress and loin cloth.
Santorum flaunts the fact that he actually won the Iowa caucus, and had twice as much support as the Newt. But wait, what's that? Oh yeah, Iowa is irrelevant. No one cares.
Santorum showed his metaphoric balls tonight by screaming at Newt. Good for you. But you're still delusional.
Newt toots the "Newt knows best" horn.
Romney's catch phrase, "let me tell ya" precedes every load of crap he throws out there.
There are a lot of promises of what will be done "day one". You won't be repealing anything "day one". You're going to be moving couches. Or, more appropriately, delegating the moving of couches. And you're politicians, you know how long it takes Congress to do anything. Don't lie to us, please? We're not that dumb.
Gingrich changed position slightly on SOPA when he got booed. Stay classy, amphibian.
South Carolina has picked the nominee since 1980. That doesn't mean it's set in stone. Even Paul the Octopus didn't pick all 14 World Cup Games. He missed two.